Friday, December 14, 2012

I just want OUT

I have really had it with everything thats going on at work. To the point i am in tears at work and at home.

We had a meeting between the clinical and business side. My job is being transferred over to another location to take over. I am taking a less stressful job effective December 31, 2012. I need to train the guy who will be checking in patients. No experience checking in.

Everyone said I should be at the meeting. So I went. Well, my concerns along with every other PAR's concerns is the registration errors. Come January a high percentage of members roll over into a new benefit year. This causes errors that delay the process of checking in patients. I was talked to later about my negativity and I need to keep my mouth shut. So I am.

Basically, is onto my Manager. So documents are written up, completed and  forwarded to the other PAR. I am done. Now to focus on working, planning my wedding, children and school. I do a lot. I am definitely going to miss the wonderful co-workers/friends I have found in this department. Its because of them, I want to ensure information is updated annd correct so they are NOT in a mess.

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